Engineering mindfulness - Self-auditing our software systems

- Tis but a migration
- Secretly committed secrets
- We provision what we need, and quadruple that for a good measure
- This is not how our users behave
- Summary
Time and again, we take each other and our future selves by surprise - by not collecting metrics, not documenting our software projects and APIs, or by forgetting that something important is running on that cobweb-covered server we are about to unplug.
We all learn from mistakes, though it is only as effective as our ability to spot them - and we should rather spot and correct them before they cause significant damage. In this post, we will see how various forms of self-auditing can help us avoid cost inefficiency, future outages and security incidents.
Tis but a migration
Naturally, the rushed initiative to migrate from single-region to multi-region raised concerns among the Software Engineers, who were informed about the plan mere weeks before the deadline. Knowing that some of our software and infrastructure components may not be ready for such a migration, we pressed the leadership to first conduct an audit of all components that could be affected by this migration. We also asked for dry-runs and drills to discover any possible challenges.
Luckily, the leadership took our concerns seriously and each component - microservices, databases, CI/CD jobs, tenant provisioning pipelines etc. - was thoroughly reviewed for any issues with going multi-region. In fact, we did find a number of blockers that would prevent us from actually migrating anyone, and a few other issues of varying severity that could lead not only to outages, but also to irreversible data corruption. The drills, dry-runs and carrying out a few migrations of non-production tenants allowed us to prepare detailed runbooks for the Support Team, who would be directly involved in performing the migration.
All these efforts led to one of the most seamless migrations I have ever participated in - all critical edge cases were covered, and the Support Team knew exactly what to do to ensure smooth migration. They were provided with step-by-step instructions in our runbooks, so that they would not need to improvise in the most stressful moments, and all foreseeable side-effects were described, including advice what needs to be tended to, or when the support team should alert our on-call engineers. At the end of the day, the migration was a success, and we probably saved our customers’ data, as well as our employer’s reputation.
Secretly committed secrets
Acknowledging that a company lags behind in terms of security is a hard pill to swallow, however it is a crucial first step towards improving the situation. In a world where companies, hospitals and government organizations fall victim to security breaches, data theft and ransomware attacks, building security awareness within an organization is of utmost importance.
Shenanigans Ltd. might have had confidence that with all the procedures in place, they must be in a pretty good place in terms of security. What they did not seem to realize, though, was that the procedures actually discouraged Software Engineers from following them - as the first step was for the Engineer to notice their mistakes, and then go through a laborious remediation, which included steps that technically speaking did not contribute to improved security. Such overconfidence can be dangerous - after all, a single leaked credential that went unnoticed, but is powerful enough, is sometimes all that is needed for a severe security incident.
Turing Systems, on the other hand, were forced to accept the bitter truth that they lagged behind in terms of security. What is crucial, though, is that they were at least set out on a path to address their leaks and solve the problem systemically. With automated credential leaks detection and simpler procedures, Turing Systems were far more likely to succeed in securing their systems, and made regular and measurable progress.
We provision what we need, and quadruple that for a good measure
What I found out was not only that we were quite wasteful as a team - over-provisioning memory and CPU by well over 200% each, even if taking our peak utilization as a baseline. Even more alarming was that we were no outliers, in fact teams that provisioned adequate resources were few and far between, and the rest made similar mistakes as we did - requesting far more than their services would ever use, meaning that our Kubernetes clusters were perpetually, excessively scaled out.
A brief audit had shown that in production and staging clusters, we could reduce over-provisioning by a staggering 300-400 vCPUs and 250-400 GB RAM each - if only the teams requested resources approximately matching their peak utilization. More savings could probably be made if requests would be closer to average utilization, and the rest handled by resources limits.
Depending on how exactly cloud computing resources were provisioned, these numbers could translate to 70-100 VMs with 4 vCPUs and at least 4GB RAM each, similar to AWS EC2 ___.xlarge instances, or 35-50 more powerful ones at 8 vCPUs and no less than 8GB RAM, roughly equivalent to __.2xlarge AWS EC2 VM. Based on factors such as region, instance type, size and provisioning model, we can estimate the cost of 1vCPU with ≥1GB RAM in AWS as approximately $0.03-$0.07 per hour. Taking $0.05 as an average, and the over-provisioning as approximately 700 vCPUs and 700GB RAM total, we can estimate our wasteful approach cost the company ca. $35 per hour, $840 per day, over $25k per month or over $300k per year in compute resources alone.
With that knowledge, we set out with the DevOps Team to inform other Engineering Teams about the need to optimize resource utilization. Soon after, we started cutting excessive provisioning, allowing to significantly reduce the costs of our Kubernetes clusters without affecting system performance or reliability.
This is not how our users behave
What we didn’t know, though, was that some attackers found a way to brute-force our legacy, REST APIs still exposed for historical purposes - bypassing the GraphQL APIs we paid so much attention to. Apparently, nobody noticed what was going on there, and we only spotted an anomaly… when the attackers halted their attacks against these legacy APIs. We observed a significant drop in traffic and this attracted our attention - only to find out the systems are fine, but we had been experiencing brute-force attacks for at least a month - under ours and the Security Team’s noses!
After realizing how severe this blunder was, we blew the horns for the alarm and started a more thorough investigation. We identified the paths the attackers took, and thanks to a few of their mistakes we were also able to discover several key signatures, allowing us to identify affected users and take action to protect our customers. Unfortunately, all of this should have happened far earlier, and there is no excuse why it took us so long with all the tools we had available.
The lesson learned from this incident was that we need to audit our system’s entrypoints, monitoring and SIEM solution, in order to ensure not a single long-forgotten endpoint is overlooked and unprotected. We also had to do a better job at detecting anomalies, as this time it only brought our attention when the anomaly disappeared.
Using all the cutting-edge technology in the world is not enough to build reliable, secure and cost-efficient systems. A degree of self-discipline is required from the Engineering Teams to build truly robust systems, ensure their quality does not degrade over time, and to detect instances of human error before they can be exploited by malicious actors. Auditing our own systems, build tools and ecosystems built around them is a critical part of maintaining them in appropriate state, as even components responsible for detecting problems are not free of them - and automating the audits is a great way to prevent humans from making another mistake.