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Ivory Jenga - how organizations struggle with granularity

Photo of a toppled over Jenga tower
Photo by Naveen Kumar on Unsplash
Case study
This post is a case study. Since it is based on real-life situations I have experienced or witnessed, some details - most notably dates and names - had to be changed or anonymized to avoid legal disputes with organizations or disclosing identities of persons involved. That being said, there might be inaccuracies, however I put my best efforts to keep the merit highlighted in the study.
Jargon ahead
This post contains technical jargon and industry-specific terms. While I strive to explain concepts clearly, some familiarity with cloud computing and distributed systems may be necessary to fully understand the content.


Building distributed systems is easier said than done. Putting aside the technical complexity and challenges that come with designing, developing and maintaining distributed systems, organizations need to figure out how to coordinate the efforts of their engineering teams, so that the results are delivered in finite time, at an acceptable cost, and make at least some sense for the business. This is easier said than done, and there is a reason why Conway’s Law is one of the more popular terms in the microservices world. Time and again, reality proves the outcomes of an organization’s efforts reflect its internal structure’s efficiency - or deficiency.

In this article, we will take a look at a few examples of how organizational structure and internal regulations affected how the distributed systems were being built by the engineering teams, and what effects it had on system maintainability, reliability, and efficiency.

Department of DevOps, Division of Jenkins

Round Plates made a strategic decision to gradually move away from on-premise delivery of their enterprise products to a SaaS platform, and even managed to onboard a number of customers to their cloud-based platform. Behind the scenes, however, the engineering teams struggled to communicate across areas of expertise, as separate departments were (officially) responsible for infrastructure and software development of the cloud platform services. As a result, a number of high-severity incidents occurred due to miscommunication between infrastructure and development, and it took weeks if not months to agree across departments on certain technical commitments. To add insult to injury, the infamous Shadow IT flourished, as it was often the only way for some teams to get their job done - including ours. In one case delivery of a product to one of the major customers could get blocked for months, as the infrastructure team did not have capacity for us at all in the next half year.

Anybody who has worked for a large organization with a headcount in the thousands, if not tens of thousands, has probably experienced this kind of org structure. Rather than gather the resources needed to get the job done, one needs to jump through hoops to be able to perform their tasks:

Sadly, this way of working is not only inefficient and frustrating, but also prevalent to the point it is taken for granted in the large organizations. Oftentimes, it is justified with statements such as:

We have always worked this way, you have to get used to this

This is a serious business, we cannot just get things done like a startup

Challenging status quo is difficult enough, and the privilege to do this is usually beyond the reach of common folks and the lower-to-middle level managers who get to experience these struggles first-hand. At the same time, the organization keeps accumulating inefficiencies:

Everyone is waiting for each other

The mutual dependencies between such tech-oriented departments tend to run in all directions:

Key takeaway
Siloing the company's talent according to their technical specialty has tremendously negative impact on the company's logistics. If there is a single dedicated division owning a certain technical aspect of a system, be it CI/CD, databases, deployments or testing, others start lining up any time they need a certain job to be done, and this becomes a bottleneck. Moreover, power play and corporate politics start to have excessive impact on deliverables, as having good connections or being "the big man" can determine whether critical tasks will get done timely.

Ineffective communication

Imagine a hierarchical, siloed org structure where a particular Development Team needs Infrastrucure Team to help:

Development TeamInfrastructure TeamLine ManagerMiddle ManagerDevelopment DirectorDirector of EngineeringLine ManagerMiddle ManagerInfrastructure Directorreports toreports toreports toreports toreports toreports toreports toreports toasks for help

Unfortunately for the Development Team, it is not the only one that reaches out to Infrastructure to get something done for them. There is a number of things, then, that often do happen in such scenario.

Scenario A: No capacity

In this scenario, Infrastructure Team simply rejects or postpones the request for help, as they are already too overwhelmed to handle yet another request, and everyone claims their request is the most urgent.

Development TeamInfrastructure Teamasks for helprejected

Obviously, the Development Team is dissatisfied with the dismissal, as from their perspective this help may really be critical, urgent, block their progress or even have a severe organization-wide impact. Meantime, the Infrastructure Team needs to spend considerable time triaging and responding to numerous requests. This often leads straight to the other two scenarios.

Scenario B: No response

Sometimes, this communication becomes so overwhelming that some teams stop responding to requests altogether - either due to requests being simply lost in the endless stream of tickets and emails, or because the team would be practically paralyzed if they replied to everyone.

Development TeamInfrastructure Team/dev/nullasks for helpno response

This situation is even more unhealthy than perpetual rejection - because in case of the latter, at least the team reaching out for help gets to know the other side acknowledged their request. If the recipient never responds to your tickets, emails and meeting invites, follow-ups and escalations ensue.

Scenario C: Escalation

Sometimes it is used as a last resort, and sometimes it is the default way of getting work done in an organization, as direct communication between individual teams is virtually impossible. The escalation can sometimes go up several levels before the situation gets addressed.

Development TeamLine ManagerMiddle ManagerDevelopment DirectorInfrastructure TeamLine ManagerMiddle ManagerInfrastructure Directorescalatesescalatesescalatespass decisionpass decisionpass decisionasks for helprejectedasks for helprejectedasks for helprejectedasks for help

Going through such escalation path not only takes time, but also creates needless tension and may exert excessive pressure on either party involved. Moreover, it gets multiple levels of management involved in fine-grained initiatives, stretching their own capacity, and possibly undermining trust in the team’s competence and the ability to deliver results.

Solution: Autonomous domain teams

As you can see from these few examples, such conundrums are not easily solved, especially when they compound. The problem would not exist if each team owning a particular domain mostly self-sufficient, having Software Engineers, QA Engineers, DBAs and Security Engineers on board, and could own their piece of cake end-to-end. Moreover, it would make it easier for an organization to see what kind value each individual team delivers. Frankly, this is not a new concept, as it dates back to at least 2003, when Eric Evans coined the term Domain Driven Design. Over 20 years later, we are still wondering whether what we do is proper DDD or where should we draw the lines between domains, though what is most important in DDD is its core concept - that instead of owning layers, organizational units should own particular areas of business as a bounded context.

Plates TeamPots TeamLine ManagerDeveloperDevOpsQALine ManagerDeveloperDevOpsQASecurityDirector of CeramicsDirector of Tablewarereports toreports toreports toasks for helprequests actionreports toreports toreports toreports tocalls to actionreports toreports toreports to

In this setup, most of the time the teams are self-sufficient, and external interactions are required when concerns cross the boundaries of a single domain. Examples of such situations include:

Key takeaway
As a rule of thumb, a more effective approach is to organize according to domain expertise while ensuring each domain team / department / division is as self-sufficient as feasible in the company's context. This allows to manage team capacity more effectively, as most of the communication overhead between departments can be avoided, and the communication channels that do get established between domain teams tend to be more direct and organic.

We need it, we reinvent it

When I joined Round Plates, each team solved the same problems on their own. To give just one example, we had around seven competing libraries for logging alone - and absurdly enough, almost all of them had common somewhere in their names. When we needed to provision a Kubernetes cluster for ourselves, we learned how to do this from scratch - and it in a rather inefficient manner, having to tinker a lot with AWS Route53, manage AWS EC2 instances serving as worker and control plane nodes, deal with duplication of Terraform code, and soon enough we ran out of our rather small private network's IP address pool.

This is an experience most Software Engineers can relate to. We start a project, we start running into challenges… if we are lucky enough, we get to know someone has already addressed this before in the company, otherwise we get our hands dirty and proudly solve problems nobody told us do not need solving. This indicates a number of problems:

Solution: Chapters, Guilds and Communities of Practice

It doesn’t really matter how exactly an organization names it, or what particular framework this is built around. The crucial aspect is to give room for engineering teams to gather and discuss particular topics of interest. It also creates an opportunity to showcase what kind of challenges the team ran into, and how they get addressed - this way, such solutions can spread and receive more substantial feedback, and it increases the chances the teams would re-use each other’s solutions, rather than keep themselves busy reinventing the wheel.

Plates TeamLine ManagerSecurityDeveloperDevOpsQALeadership groupQA chapterArchitecture guildSecurity championsreports toreports toreports toreports to

The most successful solutions - ones that got the most traction, proved to be reliable and liked by the engineering teams - can be further refined and adopted company-wide. This can lead to gradual creation of the company platform, maintained and owned by the platform team(s) as enablers for domain teams. As an added benefit, in my experience the ability to participate in such initiatives enhances engagement, and helps build a sense of belonging to the organization.

Key takeaway
Encouraging exchange of ideas and communication between the teams within themed groups - such as Security, Quality Assurance, Architecture - enables an organization to deliver more effectively and at a more consistent quality, while strengthening the internal community.

Solution: Platform team catering to everyone

These kinds of problems got gradually addressed as the company invested in building a platform team delivering enablers for the rest of us - such as high-level Terraform modules to provision required resources, running dedicated Kubernetes clusters in AWS EKS to be used by domain teams, and delivering a high-level CLI that allowed to easier integrate local environment with cloud resources for easier management. While some of these platform solutions were not great - the microservices generator was almost universally contested as insanely impractical - in general having such team greatly increased our productivity and alignment across teams.

One of the most important aspects of this approach was that it was built with self-service in mind - rather than sending tickets over to the Platform Team to do the necessary work for us, the team delivered technical enablers that allowed us to manage the infrastructure on our own easier and faster, while adhering to company’s security standards and keeping roughly uniform infrastructure.

Key takeaway
It is often helpful if an organization has a dedicated Platform Team, delivering technical enablers for domain teams - ideally on a self-service basis. This allows teams to focus on their key deliverables rather than solving common problems independently - without the need to line up with their tickets to provision a database.

Hierarchical structure, hierarchical outcomes

At Round Plates, some teams had dedicated Software Architects, while others did not. One team we worked with quite closely got tasked with designing and implementing a system to handle dynamic configurations for enterprise applications, which were supposed to have a rather complex lifecycle. A certain Software Architect, Jeff, was going to help them. As it turned out - Jeff had a my way or highway mindset, and was not particularly interested in seeking or accepting developers' feedback about his designs.

This kind of attitude is typical for strongly hierarchical organizations, and large companies with long traditions are quite susceptible to hierarchical mindset. Unfortunately, this has manifold negative effects, such as:

Controller Service, Service Service, Database Service

The design Jeff came up with closely reflected his individual, hierarchical mindset. In order to retrieve dynamic configurations, the enterprise systems would need to poll the first layer of services, responsible for exposing APIs for the enterprise system to consume. They would then orchestrate the "logical" layer of the microservices to figure out if a newer version of configuration was rolled out, and to do this they would all call a couple of "data" services which actually held the databases, and then combine the results to produce a response. Both teams - ours and the one to implement this system - raised multiple concerns about this design, most notably on the exponential cascades of API calls this design required, and the fact that in that case polling would likely be less efficient than pushing messages about new configurations.

Needless to say, the Software Architect dismissed the feedback received from the engineering teams, as he was the entity to both create and approve the architecture design. It did not take long for all the concerns raised by the teams to become reality - first, in an MVP version a single API call the from enterprise system led to no less than a dozen internal API requests, some of them cascaded and some looped. A few months later, a dozen became almost a hundred, and the system was visibly struggling due to increasing latency and low reliability, as none of the 100 or so API calls were allowed to fail in order for the operation to be successful.

This situation could have been avoided if the Software Architect would be more open to feedback from those below him, and included them in the design sessions in a more collaborative manner.

Solution: Collaborative design

The most robust, reliable and maintainable systems I have ever built were ones where all of the team members - regardless of their seniority level - were included in the system design, and were encouraged to participate. In some cases, the design was a result of a peaceful consensus, and sometimes it was born in heated discussions and arguments about various side effects, trade-offs and priorities that happened to be mutually exclusive. In either case, what mattered was that everyone felt included and was aligned with the design, rather than suppressed and uttering I knew it would happen to themselves.

There are many ways the team can collaborate on distributed system design:

This approach works well both within the boundary of a single team, as well as within initiatives crossing the team boundaries, such as internal tech communities.

Key takeaway
In my experience, collaborative design of system architecture yields best results. This approach can work both with and without a dedicated Software Architect role, as long as the Architect takes a role of an advisor supporting the team with his experience and insight, rather than imposing his will on the team. Likewise, it requires a certain level of maturity from the team, not only in the sense of being experienced, but also being mindful of all the implications their designs would have.

One deployment to rule them all

One of the most critical, impactful and hardest to undo decisions made at the onset of Round Plate's SaaS solution was that since it is a single SaaS platform, all microservices comprising it should be deployed together, in an orchestrated manner. The engineering teams warned that this would lead to higher, unintended coupling between microservice versions, as breaking changes could easily go unnoticed. The deployment was scheduled bi-weekly in the early morning on a business day, and our team predicted within a few months the deployment would be re-scheduled to weekend, and the deployment window would probably grow beyond control. Not long after submitting this report, we observed the deployments started taking up to 4h instead of planned 2h and had to be moved to Saturdays, and over the next half-year this number grew to a staggering 12h - for only a dozen of microservices.

The decision to orchestrate deployments of a distributed system is one of the most dangerous anti-patterns - the Red Flag Law. There are multiple disadvantages of this deployment strategy in the context of distributed systems:

Solution: Independently deployable components

Similar to the idea of having mostly autonomous teams, software components in a distributed system should be deployed independent of each other. In order to achieve this, deployments should be atomic, and any changes, including breaking changes, should be rolled out in such a way that it does not require immediate orchestration with deployments of other deployment units. Some of the deployment strategies that enable this include:

Key takeaway
While orchestrated deployments of distributed systems increase the risk of failures, and make root cause analysis more difficult, independent and atomic deployments have the opposite effect. Since the scope of changes is smaller, the risk of an incident as a result of a deployment is reduced, and in case it occurs it is easier to identify the change that led to an outage, and can be rolled back more easily.

Solution: Frequent, unscheduled deployments

To prevent multiple changes from compounding, it is reasonable to deploy the change as soon as it reaches production readiness, even if that means multiple deployments a day. One may ask, however, a number of valid questions:

The answer to the first question is thorough testing and rigorous quality gates - ideally before even letting the change to be merged into the deployment unit’s mainline branch. A crucial aspect of this approach is extensive automation and minimizing the labour-intensiveness of enforcing the quality gate, as well as removing opportunities to bypass them:

With thorough validation of a change before integrating it into our mainline branch, we gain high level of confidence that our mainline branch is always deployable.

In case not all changes on mainline branch are deployable, or we simply do not want them to take effect just yet, we can avoid blocking the mainline branch or rendering it non-deployable by disabling such changes with feature flags. Once the change is considered good to deploy, we can re-deploy with feature flag turned on - and we are one flag away from reverting the change in case it has severe defects causing incidents. Lastly, once we are certain the change is going to stay with us and no longer needs its feature flag, the flag can be removed altogether.

Key takeaway
Some of the most resilient systems I have maintained were deployed multiple times a day. While we had several times more deployments than an average team at our organization, we experienced only a fraction of incidents the systems deployed in a more traditional manner had. One of the key factors to enable this approach is that _mainline_ branch needs to stay production-ready at all times, and merging a change into _mainline_ means it has passed strict, thorough quality gates, giving us confidence that we can deploy immediately rather than let the changes pile up.


Defining effective ways of working around a distributed system is a challenging endeavor, and it only becomes harder if the organization itself is large and already has its own procedures. It is not impossible, though, to adopt some good practices to gradually improve, leading to better results for the organization and improved experience for its engineering teams.